separate sewing workshop for beginners
dias e horários
2h30 class
períodos disponíveis para agendamento:
Mondays - 9am to 6:30pm*
terças - manhã, tarde e noite
quartas- manhã e tarde
quintas - manhã e tarde
sextas - manhã, tarde e noite
Saturdays (fortnightly) - 2pm to 6pm
check availability here
Ateliê Mariana Gonçalves
Rua Girassol 175, Vila Madalena
São Paulo - SP
how it works?
This is a very complete class, designed for those who have never sewn with a machine and want to have their first experience or remember what they need to start sewing alone.
The class is focused on controlling the domestic straight machine, the most used at home, for those who sew as a hobby or as part of the creative process. We teach everything from preparing it for sewing with passing lines and adjusting stitches, we do exercises to train pedal and fabric coordination when sewing, until you can make straight lines and curves in the seam.
After this first moment of recognizing the machine, we will create a simple project - an envelope-shaped bag - which includes several finishes commonly used in clothing and other sewing objects: hemming, French seam, finishing of zig zag edges, buttonholes. button and stitching. If you are interested, we can cover sewing knitted fabrics (fabrics that stretch) on an overlock machine, as well as adaptation techniques for sewing this type of fabric on a straight machine.
At the end of the class you can take this bag home and use it for whatever you want to store - or, if you want to join one of our group sewing classes the Clothing LAB , you will be able to store your ongoing project in it :)
Who is this workshop for?
Anyone who wants to learn how to sew, this is a basic class necessary for any type of sewing project you want to undertake.
This class is not designed for children, for safety with tools and machines, you must be over 10 years old to participate.
IT'S INCLUDED, you won't need to bring anything to this class.
In the studio we have
paper, pencils, chalk, rulers and scissors, machines and accessories
in addition to the fabric and thread that you will use to make an envelope-shaped bag containing different finishes that are essential for any sewing project, completing this class with a simple project full of learnings that you can use later to store whatever you want!
2h30 class time
R$200 per individual class
R$180 if you are taking the class in preparation for entering the Clothing LAB *
2h30 class time
ATTENTION : it is not permitted to bring non-paying companions, friends and family to attend the class - except children under 10 years old accompanied by their parents.
política de cancelamento
rescheduling // missing
If you notify more than 24 hours in advance that you will not be able to attend, your class may be rescheduled - the deposit paid upon registration (50%) will be valid for rescheduling.
If you notify less than 24 hours in advance that you will not attend or miss the scheduled class without notice, the deposit paid upon registration will not be refunded and if you wish to reschedule, a new deposit worth 50% of the separate class must be paid.
rescheduling deadline
Unscheduled classes have a period of 60 days to be rescheduled, after this period it will be necessary to pay a new deposit to schedule.
We are not responsible for the delay of participants
payment method:
pix deposit
It is necessary to pay 50% of the class price as a deposit to schedule your class on the desired date.
Payment of the remaining 50% of the class fee must be made at the end of the class.
If it is not possible to make payment at the end of the class, the payment deadline is the day following the class given.